It’s the value of your encounter about yourself from a technique not the value of the technique itself. So in that way, a technique can be a big series of experience.


So by that means…everything in the form can be made about that encounter of myself instead of allowing an interference that blocks that encounter---what do you gain from every single project you do? Every single thing that happens in the outside? How are you encountering yourself and growing in yourself.  Like rock climbing, is not just about rock climbing. You are using that to face and go deeper in yourself, and learn about you and enlightening you. And different techniques give you different kinds of encounters about yourself. But it’s up to you, where you take that.


   Building a house can be just about bricks etc. or it can be made through connecting with that source you are and allowing yourself to defeat yourself so you can encounter that divine spark of the creator. All is a learning about yourself. 


    It’s not about discarding the form but rather not giving importance to the form and clinging to it. It’s about living from that essence in every action, experiencing and growing in yourself. Instead of making it all about the outer circumstance or people, it’s about yourself.

    That’s why you don’t want to 'schedule' the spirit. Because naturally the spirit schedules you for different experiences so you can encounter your own light through experiences, naturally. Let it flow.

That needs to be a constant focus. Focus maintains discipline. Focus on your own encounter within yourself, defeating those parts, facing your truths, no matter how bitter and rising from them into light.

Describing a day or a thing, to be excited about just one thing in the outside rather than being conscious and deepening that encounter about yourself in that act.

That signature is from that divine spark and it shows within the form. Actually it’s the one leading the form. The distortion and interference in that signature happens when I make it about the form and cling to the form itself. The signature resides in that being within the form. The form can be a series of events. It can be exercise, action, words, the body, a way of living. In the outside is a form, but the being in it and the essence that brings forth 'ideas' into 'actions' that’s the manifestation of the 'signature of your creator'. So it’s unique for everyone. And here's the thing, my responsibility if it’s about my essence or rather, holding hands consciously within myself so in that way it’s up to me to accelerate an experience or connection or anything within that 'act' or form. And in that way, it’s not about the form at all. The form doesn’t exist without the  essence.


  The block or interference happens when you choose to cling to a single form as the ultimate enlightener instead of realizing and working in my own essence. And making that work about yourself, your driving force. If I make things in the outside your driving force, you make people in the outside, and circumstances in the outside your boss. your driving force, should instead be 'being in that entrega within myself/with the great mother in yourself/with that essence of yourself.'


    Instead of allowing that essence to dictate movement, it’s been the outside box and you’re in it. And you're trying to find the essence. You cannot put spirit in a box. That’s why people get stuck in the events, experiences and basically the distortions of the outside, because they are not being.

Everything is spiritual. Human beings are spiritual beings because naturally it’s about the spirit. Naturally it is for those who are holding hands with that essence and growing in themselves. Taking everything, every relation that manifests in the outside, every creation and transcending by using all those ways of forms to grow in their light. And living through that divine spark in every decision they make about themselves. Instead of basing it on any form. That’s why people have been giving power to the manifestations. This mess with men, this imbalance, bending over happens because of that wrong wiring and people not realizing that they grow in the essence. It is where they grow naturally. And from there all creations happen. And that needs be the focus. That’s where the responsibility about yourself needs to happen.


     When the value is ingrained all about the form and the addiction is from that outside, things like; 'the woman in the buddhist temple, she was rejected because of her beauty, the monks said she is too beautiful and she will rock and roll all the monks, lets not accept her. So she burned herself, to let go her beauty. And in that moment she got enlightened and had no need to go with the monks anymore. Or  do you remember the guy who got enlightened when his wife left, and in his big grief, being really down, he knew and understood why she left him. It had to do with sex, so he created a big deal within himself, that’s when his enlightenment came. 

Or the Aztecs in Mexico, making Xipe Totec ceremony, jumping in the fire, or running high, or making a kiva for 21 days, or a special thing, like being in silence for one day, or more. Some people that have the vow of silence, some is about dance, some is about food, there are so many ways! In the school of the feminine, there were many practices (techniques), like sacred dance, you dance it out whatever it is within yourself. You make the dance of the seven veils, over and over until you remove all the veils that is stopping you. There is mathematics, there is confined spaces, there is work in the cleaning, or herbs and connection with the plants. There is sacred sex, there are exercises about trust, for yourself and sisters. The training of the Pitonisas, even to create the sisterhood in those temples, a betrayal was punished with death. Or the initiates, going into the caves, and not being able to get out until they “get it”. If they die, that was a good death. Or running bare foot, blind folded, with your sister while she is telling you what to do. Or vision quest in the 4 elements. Or flesh offerings, or on your knees walking miles, or running like the taraumaras  that they run for many miles, bare foot. And the day before, they need to get drunk.  Or walking for 40 days, praying to the blue deer to bring the medicine. Or fasting with only water, for many days until you don’t need to eat. Or blowing the whistle the whole night so you connect with your star family. Or, stand up and say your truth. Or allow yourself to be shot because of some purpose. How many stories do you want?  


    They all have something in common, don’t chicken out. All come from the core of your being  and will be different for each one of the human beings. It’s a fear in there to face that practice, it is an interference that takes place that the human being is able to overcome. 


    There are forces that wants to stop you, and it’s coming in all the packages, physically, mentally, emotionally, and of course the outside world. 

It’s the focus that takes place, of not going for your ego. Your ego will find so many excuses for you to chicken out, no matter what is the culture. There is a flip, it’s spiritual in nature, when you live in that entourage. And knowing that you will not chicken out, that flip, is beautiful. Because it gets to a point that there is so much struggle, then you make that flip, and it doesn’t matter anymore.  How do you get into that flip? It will depend on how you manage your own ego. And it depends on your entourage.


    You have work to do in this realm, and it is unique for each one of you. And it is beautiful. There is some common ground in here, your signature of the one that created you. The signature talks about the highest good of everyone, talks about your next octave, your unique enlightenment.  Which enlightenment means using your body of light. All coming from the same source, the one that created all the life forms, and never repeated herself, yet, there is a pattern, a signature that all creation must follow. And particularly as a human being, there has been so much interference of your own original vibration, but it is there.


     As you control your ego, that is controlling you, you very much gain power that is natural for human beings. You go back to your own nature. And also recognize, that through the whole, you are bringing forward the new era within yourself, a completely different way of living. Now based on the whole instead of the separation, for the whole contains the signature as well as the one.

It may seem crazy and uncalled for, but when you realize that those things come from the same 'I want to know myself' and that’s the source.That the essence is the one leading those outer formation of those stories. It’s liberating and life changing. And you can never lose yourself if you are always being from that essence and into an entrega to that divine spark in yourself. You will never get lost because you are always being you and growing in your original signatures.

    The truth is that the mother really trusts her children. Can the children trust their mother?

Part of that reason/purpose is embedded in the womb of the great mother. Your connection with the great mother is as unique as you. We all have the signature of the one who created us as a commonality. If you can see that spiral you will be able to see how everything is unfolding. 


The mother is the one who is nurturing you. The one who is able to give you everything. She is giving you the next octave for your spiritual work- for your growth.  


    The quickening has to do with me understanding me as light. As we do that- there is all these situations in my life etc. that are popping up, the great mother issues. When you judge an experience you get stuck in that experience, you  see that experience as unique and not keep perpetuating the distortion.


    Your emotional body is holding all these parts of you that is hooking you down. Every time that you bring this light into the emotional body, every time you transmute the emotional body  that’s when you gain power through integration.  That brings the spiral back.

     Learn how to hold onto the connectivity with all the aspects of yourself- including the one strongly in the golden era.  At the same time that you are bringing that integration practically and that connection you have with all these aspects of yourself, you are being connected to higher truths about yourself. 


    When your emotional body was hurt, you made a split and stayed there for some reason. At the same time you are being connected to these selves that are observing the situation. At the same time, you are connected with the higher self.  When we do recap, we are going back. And whatever was wrong was needed to  be cleared up rather than to stay there. So you don’t create a split. 


    Use the body of light to heal that emotional 'stuck' self. Immediately the judgement drops and all that stops and it's easy to heal it. When you understand your own nature - there is nothing that can harm you then. 




1+1=2   A+B=C  daughter+mother=crown. Bring all aspects into that emotional body. You are bringing the present, past and future into that triad. 

Father + mother = you

    You are connecting with the one who created you. Just like you are making that painting. You are bound by it/connected to it. It will still be yours; the one who created you + you and the one who can understand the present, past and future. 


Just the same way that you can connect with the spiritual growth of the quickening. The one who is sending the alignment, and the one who is receiving it, then who is that alignment? 


   The emotional body is 'this is who I am, because of this or that experience' which is the one perpetuating the 3rd and 4th reality. So in the same way you can use the light body to perpetuate a higher reality. 


You think, “I want to feel safe.” You are bringing that. The  3rd and 4th dimensional reality is already encoded in that genetic body and has created already that trauma/disconnection. What we are doing is the reconnection now. You are carrying your history, the history of your genetics and bringing your future self = triad. 


    Once you get it, that you have a 'higher self'/a self that knows better, interconnected with past and present. It’s just that every time you connect, you immediately will have a higher truth available. So once you got this, you comprehend that every single part of light is in this movement, and it comes in waves. And that interconnection with the movement there is a part that is steady and the interconnection with these parts that are in different worlds. There is a movement, we call it olin. In that movement as it is being created, you are shifting. You don’t know if it was the same world that you know now. You shift your consciousness. It’s an incredible power. See it as normal/naturally happening as you begin to integrate yourself.

5, complement of 3 in 8

You move within yourself and you move your consciousness and you shift where you are. You shift in the dimension. When you bring it.

Hologram= just a memory of the future/past/present idea of time. By judging according to a culture, people get stuck in that form/hologram It is a programming and you are being hijacked. 


   Places that you have been in have a memory of you, like places or music…etc. You sing a ceremonial song and you begin to go up. You can connect with the bar next door and you know where it will take you. Heal those places. Go there again and bring whatever that is you need to bring over and over again. 

 Be aware of yourself! Who is interfering or how you are interfering. The mother is never controlling. 

 For all creation but at the same time my work is unique---to use the 5 complement in 8… as the ancestors talk about it. 

Everything, is the law of complement, you are part of everything as everything is part of you When you use it. You begin to gain power. 


When you are able to embrace those parts of you in freedom, then you can comprehend the first triad.


    That three gives you the understanding as a daughter, mother crown. At the same time it also is showing feminine+masculine = both together, different energy yet bounded into one.  



Your connection is so unique that only you can have that. You have a sound, a unique vibration, even in silence, 

Be aware of all those connections. In every single relation you align naturally - connections guided and aligned. You begin to clean the earth.

Go ask the mother----What is my purpose in life? Ask the mother again. Revisit what is embedded in you, wherever you go.

Cosmic way of thinking 5 

Movement is 8 

Q: 'All the bad experiences in some way were they stopping me from fulfilling my purpose or were they part of it'?

A: The distortions were not part of it.  holding onto past experiences is how you are stopping yourself. That’s how the system blocks people. So let it all go. Transmute it all, to keep the focus.

The purpose is with the fifth and higher realms, in that original vibration, in that spiral. It is all linked.