Mastering the Hologram


    Beautiful Ones


     The time has come for human beings to understand and embrace the ancient teachings of the feminine ways, the virtual reality realm, the place where everything is being created, the place where the hologram takes place…


   For a long time human beings have been involved into the creation, in the “manifestation”.  People know now that they are creating their own reality and want to perfect that one, that is beautiful; now, here is the real question, Why? Why can you create?  Who are you that you can create? …then you must be a creator, then you must come from the creator by herself ha?  Why then do you choose to create and recreate based on a paradigm that has been enslaving you for such a long time?  Where is the part of the human being that has been perpetuating the system that enslaves?  Where are those forces, inside of the self as well as outside of the self? … so many questions.


     The time has come to become masters of the hologram, and understand what a hologram is.  For a long time we have been speaking about how you see a reality based on a cultural belief, past experiences, genetics, etc… you are launching a reality based on an identity that was imposed on you by a system.   Yet, you are far beyond those limitations, you are a multidimensional being that embraces the purifying of the expression of your own self.


     So, it is through the self that you move in many worlds… the self that for so long has been hurt and manipulated and defined by an outside world, the self that has no idea who she is.  The self that can only conceive herself through relations on the outside that have been enslaving her for a long time, a self that just perpetuates those dysfunctional relations, for she thinks that is what she is.  A purpose that was given from an outside world, or making her own valorization through money, through degrees, a definition of herself from a dying system that has always manipulated her and controlled her… and she believed it…


     In the land where the waters comes out from the womb, the land that has seen the awakening of so many sacred women, was created a temple, a temple of the 12+1, it means that in the temple you can see yourself in 12+1 aspects of yourself, and at a certain point, became invisible and yet have an existence beyond the identification that the self has about her body.  I love this temple… really mama knows what she was doing when she asked me to build the temple…. Anyway, the time of the integration of the self is happening, this means that all the fragmented self that created so many splits is coming together, not through a definition from the system, but an integration that has always been there, for indeed you are a spirit that holds a body, it is not that you are living your life, but you are life by herself.


     So, human beings have concepts, a belief system inside of the self that enslaves them into only a little bit of what they truly are.  They have relations around them that the system defines for them and tells them how to relate, so all the relations in the paradigm were created by the controllers of human being. This means that the path of being human, the medicine of human being, has been lost, or misplaced,  human beings have been genetic engineering, that is why they are looking for organic food, because it is their time to return into the organic, natural, human being in the inside as well as the outside.


     For a long time, religions and traditions have been showing the way to silence the outside world to get in the inside world, that was the male way for long time.  The deduction mind was thought in the system and denied completely the induction mind, that is what we call the male way, it was good, but a big piece was missing, the feminine way…  well, now is the time of the mastery of the hologram that comes from the inside to the outside, the feminine way, the part of the human being where their medicine resides as human.  The authentic vibration of the self,  the way to relate to another is just a mirror of what is happening inside of the self, the place where all the belief systems reside, good and bad or whatever the self judge it, according to the cultural belief.


     Now that the feminine is open and leading the way through birthing a new world, all is moving, inside as well as the outside.  The reality is truly relative to the observer, a perception of a reality that is changing, moving, adjusting into the original path of being human, the original natural human being.


     So, going back to the question, who are you that you can create?  Why have you become a slave of your own creations that define you according to an outside world, a system that created the paradigm to enslave? …


     Time to wake up!  Time to find the hologram where you live and know where are you standing.  For wherever you are, you are always connected to the center, for you are in the center, too.


     Yes, the new world will be and is already here, about relations to each other, to the environment and the most powerful to the self.  Now, you are the self, you are beautiful, divine, a daughter of the creator.. and from that perspective you see the world around you…


     I hope this helps in your mastering of the hologram, this and so much more needs to be spoken… for it is the time when the dark ages are leaving and the golden age is here…


in lakesh

