Description for Present Past and Future Course (PPF)
Present past and future (PPF) has become a very powerful course as it is tapping into the inner knowledge within the self, a beautiful bridge that you have inside of you to an extensive world of wisdom of the ages. You are not bounded by time, and is the time to move your limitations that you have created through many generations.
This is an advance course and it costs $100/month additional to the school cost because it is very personalized. You will have an extra class during the week for this course.
We have now two groups, send me an email to inquire for this course, write to
Course Reviews
“Dear Magdala, ❤️❤️❤️
Wow! 52 weeks! I went back and read all the weeks.......first, I’m aware of the incredible spiritual training in PPF from you. This training is truly holy and from the stars! The topics and understanding you lovingly bring forward has a naturalness because it is your world! I am so thankful for you on this earth. I am thankful to be your student. Thank you!!!!!!!! So Truly Incredible.
2017 Recapitalization -
Through PPF my focusing again and again was inside myself to complete weekly homework and brought me into a more conscious relationship with my inner feminine....and a simultaneous melting away of obstacles that I had previously identified with as myself. Overall I have less fear and own my anger more. I sense a greater inner flow and less rigidity. I am aware of greater awareness and communication with myself emotionally and a greater honesty and less projection onto others.
Experience after experience each week taught me that the inner worlds are real and humans are multidimensional. That “time” is timeless- time is consciousness as you have taught us. We are as free as we allow ourselves.
I am aware too of an emotional sadness, a liberation that wants to take place that is not yet freed up......a love that wants to come forward. I’m listening now so that is in progress and the fullness of this unfoldment I trust. Through PPF exercises and meditation, I’ve had experiences of freedom and connection with the love within/without myself- these have been true gifts and assure me of what is real. Clear glimpses, energetic access, quick emotional understanding of a connected consciousness ....these quick peeks....motivate me to keep going and to apply my knowledge so I can hold on to and live who I really am and to perceive my brothers and Sisters for who they truly are . ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Love You and with deep appreciation, 💞💞💞
“I might be late to the party, but I won’t let this momentous occasion end without me! I, like Teddie, thought I would never be able to sustain this series of exploring our inner selves. I found it difficult because that’s what I expected. As week after week went on, I did struggle from time to time. But with the honesty of everyone especially Ma, I didn’t accept defeat and learned from what and why I didn’t accomplish what I had wanted to. The fact that a linear year has passed seems incomprehensible.
I feel like we really have a strong sisterhood and I am so looking forward to being all together with all of the other magnificent women who have the courage and strength to work on claiming themselves in unique and powerful ways!!!
Here’s to another year my sisters...or as long as Ma wants to impart her wisdom and help lead us to ourselves!! Love you all so very much!”
“Dear Magdala,
First thanks for bringing these teachings to us through this whole year!
I think I grew a lot this year and it feels like it was learning a little every week we went along. Also, learned how important it is to be truthful about commenting on everyone’s work. It’s a white culture programming I am still trying to overcome, where I want to be “nice”
One of the big things I learned this year is how my future/higher self is continually sending me messages. When we first started, I did not think I could ever master remote viewing or even what it was really. As we went along, a very good tool was to decode the messages that were in our homework. As I did that more and more, I could begin to experience what the important messages were for me.
Being neutral was another important lesson I learned. It is hard to make that alignment without finding that neutrality, or having a big hook in my emotional body.
I also learned about how time is consciousness and all is happening at the same time. Not sure I would have begun to comprehend this without this work. I had a concept of it, but through the lessons, especially working with my past and future self, I could begin to really experience it.
Another thing I worked on a lot was seeing beyond my little self to the higher picture. Often, I found myself relating through that little self through old beliefs. Trusting the Great Mother and making that alignment helped me a lot. Love is the biggest connector of all. I learned how my emotional body can be a stepping stone for me, and also a big learning for me was to connect more to my feelings.
I am not sure I can pick one favorite lessons – all of them helped me grow so much – even when I blew it. Love you so much and looking forward to the next lessons.”
“This past year has been powerful. It has taught me about commitment in a way that comes from the heart. There has been a beauty in meeting every week with focus and purpose and connection and so much love. I feel like I have been able to go to a place of deeper uncovering and deeper vulnerability and deeper sharing. I noticed in the past couple of months especially I am reaching totally unique places inside of myself when doing the exercises. Like for example, most recently, hearing the whale songs ... or with lesson PPF 52 I noticed this fearlessness to sort of fall on my face and feel all of it. And to me that shows a huge growth in courage.
I love going on this journey together and feeling the support of everyone. I can’t wait to see everyone in person after a year of doing this deep work. And I also feel connected to the other group in this sweet way too. Like I can appreciate and honor the work they have been doing.
I am curious where we go from here!
Love you all so much.”
This has been the most amazing year...the growth I can see in myself is unbelievable!!! The closeness I feel with the sisters in this group is humbling and soooo strong. As I was doing the homework for this week 52, i went back to the early weeks. My fears of commitment, vulnerability and responsibility surging at high levels. Truly I didn’t think I would be able to do it for very long...but I was wrong. Those fears don’t even come to me anymore. No matter what, I have been there every week with the other sisters, somehow. Our experiences intertwined with each other’s making growth exponential! We have all shared so much about our selves, always feeling safe in doing so. With Magdala guiding us, showing us how to look deeper, with her wisdom and love💗 there have been so many challenges in pushing beyond our linear thinking, but when we gathered weekly with one of us reading we have opened the doors to places I certainly didn’t dream I could go!!! One of our 1st lessons was what we were thinking for 5 many things I don’t think about anymore, and definitely not in the panicked way. Especially now I can observe these thoughts. I know we are just beginning to go to higher places! I’m just so excited about this journey with these sisters and humbly grateful to Magdala for bringing us here!
Love you so much❤️❤️❤️”
Wow...52 weeks...First I want to thank you so much for bringing all of the PP&F lessons and your love. I feel so incredibly grateful
them and for you.
I have learned so much - For me is how to use my emotional body for me rather than against me and to control it better - when I look past over the last year I can see how much I have grown with this...and I can see that I have so much more to learn and gain even more control so I see, feel,and use it always for the highest good. I am letting go little by little of my old belief system that views it as my weakness. Have learned and continue to learn and practice using it as a rictor scale for me and where I am... for trusting myself, believing in myself, and being my very best friend. I have a lot more work to do in these areas. I also see how much more truthful I am with myself and in giving feedback in the chat to my sisters. I know that I am not really great at that I sometimes miss things and I feel like I am so not the one to be giving anyone feedback because I have so much work to do yet in myself... but I am continuing to work on that it is just something I am completely uncomfortable with.
I continue to work on letting fear go...I see some growth surrounding this but does not feel like as big and as much as I would like.
I feel that I am opening up and am more intuitive, more visual and more audio (that I see and get pictures and hear messages and guidance) stronger and clearer...I loved lesson 3 and 4 connecting with my future self and re-reading it the visual I received with the amulet changing colors and crystals and the water I do not fully understand that one yet but it feels so powerful and I believe more will be revealed in the coming year about that one and the medicine I was given surrounding that and the amulet symbolizing alchemy of changes and I have received so many messages about water and I know all has to do with my emotional body and using it and seeing it as a tool for the highest good of all.
I have learned so much about forgiveness of the self - I continue to work on this in myself...seeing possibilities in the possibilities that is where the forgiveness, dropping what doesn’t belong and the new creations can happen.
I feel that so many of the lessons have honed my skill with being able to travel in the dimensions so much quicker and connecting with the Great Mother - I feel my connection deepening and growing. Connecting with the one who created me is so much easier and stronger...I know letting go of some of my baggage has been the catalyst for that one.
As I read thru the lessons it is impossible to pick a favorite even a few favorites .At times I get a glimpse of my place in the orchestra and the bigger picture...oh I can’t wait to see more... I am just so so grateful my heart feels so much love. Thank you , thank you, thank you.
I love you tons