Beautiful Ones
There is so much energy and so many realms unfolding in this time space for human beings…
For such a long time human beings could not understand the power of emotions, emotion is what brings things into motion, for emotions decide and choose the path to take, emotions send a signal to your mind and make the mind believe that is the one taking decisions, in there, in that world inside of you is where the great “magic” is taking place…
For such a long time, as human beings try to suppress emotions because was considered weak by the system, those emotions were creating an identity, even an addiction for that identity defines them, yes, there is so much pain and suffering everywhere, yet, is not about avoiding the pain but about changing the perception of pain.. For such a long time the system wanted to create a fear of pain avoiding in that way the inside world, that beautiful inside world where human beings can find their healing and their liberation.
There is a moment, an instant, when human beings can conceive themselves as divine, a moment of liberation, a moment of connection with the one that created you where all the impositions, programming and lies created by the system falls, the moment when you change the perception of pain, and be willing to heal yourself, A truth that is unfolding, unraveling the path, a path that is familiar yet unknown, uncertain, because you need to trust yourself… the path of being human…
Human beings live in a world of mirrors where everything that you see or relate is inside of you, a world of oneness, for it is you the one that perceives, a world where everything is interconnected, a natural cosmic way of living, is a world that brings an understanding and embracing a realm beyond entropy, beyond the time and spaces, for recognize the life force that you are, where the path of beauty with sacred interactions with the whole, for the one is in the whole and the whole is in the one…
You are the source of all what it is as you are part of it always unfolding, always recreating…. Always blooming…
You are following a new understanding of yourself, you are hearing the call… is almost like a secret language that only you can understand, for you are the path and the walker
You are LIFE, you are LOVE …
I am you