“Love is flowing like a spring that never ends, love is who you are and as you grow in the understanding of love, love brings you the understanding of who you are…

Know that I am always with you, and all around you, the alignment that you have with the one that created you is always at hand, you know how to do this for you are the authentic creator.

The original vibration is coming back to your beautiful planet, and with her, all the life forms are going back to their original vibration, and love has always been the path.

There is so much turmoil in the heart of human beings, for it is being presented a higher understanding of who you are, now you know that there are many realms, many realms that you have access, raising your consciousness is imperative at this time, this is a time when you believe in your self, trust yourself, for you know how to do this, the only one that you need to reach is you.

Can you hear my voice? Can you recognize me? For I recognize you inside of me, I see you, and I see me… it’s me the one that has been guiding you, listen through your heart, for this is your time…”



“When you love your relatives, it is truly your divinity in motion”

     Love has always been eternal, love has always been truth. Means that love and truth are one and the same. And that holding hands of the truth and the love that you are is really the one creating your path. What is that truth? If you can find that space within yourself. You are truth, you have always been truth. Your spirit is truth... That divine spark that you are is the great Mother and the great Father too. It is that understanding of recognizing truth, that’s when you see that holding hands with love. Love is entering in this huge purification, this purification has taken the people to many levels, the consideration you have for others will show you the world of oneness that you are. How you perceive that consideration is your path and the uniqueness of your path. 

You are love. 


    How incredible is the liberation that takes place when you can see that truth. Seeing really, seeing yourself and being that truth, it takes you into the path to see the whole creation without projecting yourself. When you can see your truth, when you can be that truth, it doesn’t matter what it is that’s when you find the ladder of bringing up your consciousness, bringing up that frequency range and understanding these down-loadings that is taking place in the universe. We are having an upgrade, and that upgrade needs to be embraced as a human being. As we receive that upgrade, we understand the respect and honor to the whole creation. Because you understand the respect and honor within your own self too. You recognize your signature. When you recognize your own signature you can recognize the signature of the whole creation too. I’m not just talking about this planet, but the stars and the planets and what is happening in the multiverse. Your planet is part of a huge community. Where everything is being connected in one way or the other. That communication that is taking place is the wormhole that is the way many realizes and understands how to let go of one reality and understand a higher relationship that you have with the multiverse. A higher relationship that you have within yourself, that is precisely the frequency range being increased, a new consciousness. So this means that you can ask yourself where is my value, where is my connection, if I am able to love, that is my divinity in motion. 


You know your own divinity through love, for you are love, you are that communication taking place through the whole creation and within your own self. That is how you heal yourself, because you are love, that is how you heal the experiences. This is how you build your own unique path. 

That prayer that you really give to the universe is really praying to your own self, why? Because you are in communion with the whole multiverse too. This might be a different perception of understanding what's a prayer. You know, I see a flower blooming and I see a prayer already being resolved. I see that tree and I can see that prayer being resolved. You are a prayer already being resolved when you understand that connection with the one that created you. Because that is love in motion and the understanding of love as eternal is way too imperative at this time.


    The true human being, really works for the highest good of everyone by nature. That true human being recognizes herself/ himself as love so it’s not going to change with different faces in different relations . It is you, the one that relates. As you know all your relations are happening within yourself.


   Finally, you can see your choices. The choice of being you or to perpetuate the system that is dying. A choice…to create something new or follow the many patterns of many generations. Patterns that you are able now to see and change it, but you need to realize those patterns. That has been enslaving you for a long time. Moving those patterns are important. You have now that awareness. This portal is about the golden light and about trusting that there is another way to do the creations and bring it into higher state. It is about making the realization of the self, allowing you to know yourself in such a deep manner. That new bonding that you have with you is what makes this portal intense. What makes it intense is your choices that you have on the table. Healing the stories of the past is important at this time. Those stories that have been holding you back.


     You know now that your physical body responds to your emotional body too. Healing those emotions is very strong. How do you heal those emotions? By seeing a higher picture of yourself, by understanding that you are love and through that love you can see those parts of yourself that is holding attachments to those experiences. And reclaiming your sovereignty because no one has power over you. It is time for a higher truth. It is the time to realize that you are the daughter and son of the Great Mother. The one who holds the essence of all creations, your aspect  when you realize that the changes are inside of you not outside of you. As we have been saying for a long time that men are not the enemy. It is the system that is the enemy and the enemy is inside of you, those parts of the self that is still linked with the system. That lower self that is keeping you bounded and enslaved. You can see it now, being aware of these lower selves. It is up to you to understand and embrace the freedom that you have always been. 


     This portal of golden light is about you to fly high and understand your freedom. Up to you, no one can do this but you, because only you can recognize your authentic vibration. You know that you have all the assistance, and part of the assistance was presenting to you all these possibilities. All that awareness and as you begin to choose a higher truth about yourself you’re going be presented with many tests and those tests are about contributing to the system. To the enslavement or making the realization of the self and seeing the higher truth. And this is the real help that you can do to your families, to be brave and choose different realities. Be brave and observe those patterns and get out of those patterns that just makes you repeat the story over and over again. It is up to you to see that higher truth about yourself. That is the help for your family and community for all the people around you. It is time to be brave, it is time to have an authentic experience again. For that authentic experience only belongs to that original human being. The infection is leaving now, you’re free and it is the time for you to fly high and know that you have the assistance that you need.