“The teachings that I have received from Magdala Ramirez have been life changing. I have been a student since 2010. Every year I feel as if I go deeper inside of myself and find a more profound understanding of the feminine. The relationship with myself has shifted in so many ways as I have shed identities and uncovered truths of who I really am. The journey is beautiful, challenging and transformative. Through out the journey I always feel incredible love and support from Magdala, and her commitment to bringing these teachings forth.”
“ I am very grateful to be in the time where we can work with Magdala who brings the teachings of the feminine. It is very special to be able to work in these ways. Many years ago when I first met her and started working in these ways, I could not even comprehend that there were women spiritual leaders. All the programmed world sees is the men as leaders. The work has made me see her and the wisdom of the feminine teachings, and it is a great gift.
As a group, we have a great privilege to be able to work in these ways and to interact with Magdala as the one who is bringing these ways and teachings back to humanity at this time.
Thank you Magdala and thanks to all the women leaders who paved the way for us to be able to encounter ourselves in this time.
Love you ”
“I am grateful for our school and all the ceremonies at the land. I was just thinking about that in these past few days…how the teachings are the biggest treasures we have and its such a blessing to be receiving them….”
“I am Patrice Lange and I have been working in the school and in ceremonies for around 13 years now. This work has made me grow so much in myself over these years, that I am really a different person now that I was back all those years ago. The teaching of the feminine are so special, and Magdala Ramirez, our teacher, is bringing the wisdom forward for all of us to find out who we are. The school will bring you a wealth that is the real wealth – finding out who you are, and understanding yourself. I really recommend starting with the lessons so you can learn the teachings and wisdom of the feminine ways from the very best teacher!
“It has been a life changing encounter for me to be a part of the teachings and personally feeling so embraced by Magdala Ramirez. She is my spiritual mother. Her love has meant everything to me. It has been a privilege to be a part of the ceremony, teachings and school online because there is nothing like this in the world. Ma weaves everything with so much love, every teaching, ceremony, gathering or even a single conversation. From learning about sisterhood, becoming a better daughter to learning ways of overcoming all my personal challenges within myself- ma has been there in every step of the way, teaching me and guiding me. There is still so much to learn and so much more spiritual work to do. The school that ma has created and the ceremonies that she runs is truly for women of all traditions and countries. I have found the Great Mother in me through the ceremonies and that would not have been possible without the ceremonies. I am so grateful that such a thing exists in my time. I am grateful for every Priestess Seminar ma has held and every single vision quest and all the ceremonies. They help me to continually grow in myself, to pursue the path of my own enlightenment and become a better person. There is no one as open-hearted, loving and generous as Ma. I see the Great Mother in her and its a blessing to have her in this world.”
“I’ve been working in the online school for almost 3 years. The growth I have experienced through the chats has been unbelievable and profound. Magdala brings us her knowledge and love in a way that allows us to see in a completely new way. Listening and sharing with the other women, building a bond and going deeply has truly changed my life!
Thank You!”
“When I first met Magdala, I was instantly aware of how special this woman was. She gave a talk at my work location about developing awareness of others’ cultures when we conversed with them, because what you might not think is rude might be taken otherwise by them. I worked in a healthcare system and was grateful for that first introduction into the extensive wisdom of this medicine woman. From that point forward I have learned so much about myself and the reality of the world I live in, from her. Countless seminars, trips to the sacred sites of Mexico, and ceremonies have opened up a consciousness in me that I would have never achieved without her guidance. She has taught me about the Divine Feminine and how the patriarchal system has dominated us as a people but so much more as women. Gaining freedom from that slavery and healing past experiences not only gives me a firmer foundation to continue to do my spiritual work but has made me realize the things that hooked me into a false sense of self. The times spent on the ceremonial grounds has been such a blessing because through those experiences I not only connected with the essence of the real me, but I have found a sisterhood that can’t compare with how I was expected to relate with other women. There is integrity and truth, which is so rare in our world. As we continue to grow by attending the School of Ascension-the World of the Enchanted Flower-we all interact on a higher level of understanding, for each other, the realm we exist in and how as inter-dimensional beings we are not confined by the illusion of time or by the programming that told us what flawed beings we were. I recommend to anyone that has ever asked themselves, “why am I here?” or “what is this life really about?” to sign up for a class and get the answers to those very questions. I have, and it has taken me to places I never dreamed I would visit.