Beautiful Ones
The time has come to embrace the next evolution of being human…
When you see a tree, you know that it has all this rings, circles inside of the circles, showing the years, and the story of those years, you can see what happened to that tree among time, drought, floods, fires, etc… you are seeing the past of the tree, yet the tree knows though the root, when it is the time to bloom, when it is the time to sleep, through the root she gets her nurturing, through the roots she connects with her own particular cycle, and all the cycles around her… and beyond…
When you see the stars, you are seeing the past, for you know that the stars are not there, you are observing the past, for you know that the time of the light to travel, the star already moved from that particular place, it is 2 time spaces…. Your brain is just seeing the past…. Measuring and judging your experience through the perspective of the past, of the stars and yourself.
When you see the identity of the human being, you are seeing a genetic code, past experiences, scars from past battles, your parents DNA… you are seeing the past… you can even tell in their DNAwhat they eat, do, where they come from, etc… the past
All life forms, as well as the cosmos, have been seeing the past, of all that they have been experienced for such a long time in the physical realm as well as a cosmos experience, for indeed, you know that our planet belongs to a cosmic community, and has a story in herself with all the life forms that she bears, in the cosmos too…
Human beings are ready to embrace their mutant part; this means that human beings now are listening to their roots, that they are ready to embrace their own roots that will show them that it is the time for the next evolution. The genetic code is showing the past but at the same time what is next, for it is also following a cycle of being human. Human beings know then, that they have a catalyst in themselves of a powerful understanding that is happening in the molecular level. Also, some human beings are working as a cathalisador all around them for that purpose of mutation and help for the next evolution of being human within the self as well as outside of the self… for when they are able to see beyond the limitation of the mind, human beings become the next evolution, a higher perspective of being human…
The divine seed, the divine spark, that recognizes where human beings come from, is the root, the root of being human, and as the tree of life, human beings knows that all life forms comes from the same tree, and they are connected to the root, and the root knows the time to ignite the mutation into a higher understanding of the self, time to awaken. Human beings know that the times when you only saw the past through a perspective of an identity, which is also the past, is not going to work…. Human beings now are able to see the multirealities taking place already inside of the self, the mutation already took place, in the past, we are just make it “official”.
Human beings are natural, “organic beings”, they know their own nature, they know that they are not bounded by backgrounds, ways of living, time… but are connected to an incredible force beyond the limitations of the mind… the root.
It is true that human beings became genetically engineered when they entered into a system that limited them, but still they have an installed capacity, they just do not know how to use it consciously. It is the time to embrace the sacred feminine inside of the self, the mother, the root, the essence of all life forms, the force of life. They know that she is indeed enlightening the male side, the conscious realm, the knowing of how to use your already installed capacity, for the true authentic human beings are a divine spark. Human beings are the divine seed that is passed on generation through generation, that for a long time was in a dormant state, and now is being awakened by the root. Human beings are aligning with the Great Mother consciously… for indeed, human beings are multidimentional beings by nature.
Let’s make it “official”, for it has already been done…
….. let me know what you think…
In lakesh