The Love that she is, 

is in you and all around you…

The Love that she is, comes always inside of you

She is the Path and the walker

and her ways are so unique, as unique as you

She is calling you back to your original vibration,

she is calling you back to the World of the Enchanted flower! 

The realm of beauty, the realm of peace…


   She told you.. Don’t you know that I am your Mother? Maybe you didn’t know, maybe you did and you forgot… maybe you know! Her relationship with you is so personal, so unique, that no one can take that away, no one can make the connection for you… only you can do it…

It has been such a prevalent message about merging your divinity with your humanness… for human beings are divine by nature, are divine in there original vibration, honoring her, is honoring the divinity in you… for so is the Mother, so is the daughter…! 


“Life is a vision quest”

“it has take you a long time to “stabilize” within you the great mother… for she  is not accepted in the system…knowing the ways of the mother is way too important for human being because she shows you where is your freedom..


     So when you understand and embrace your own divinity, as it is, took you long time,  because you only could see the Great Mother thinking of your biological mother, people needed to see a ways of healing your relationship with your mother, your  womanhood. 


    For a long time, people only knew the Father as God, and there were many  distortions have been in this planet about the great father.. the great mother completely non existence in the consciousness of the people.. People could not understand the great father wither, and they create into many religions and traditions, they could not comprehend who is that beautiful father, The Christ came and talk about the father and he was against everything that was in the t time space.. in that time space was about the patriarchal, and he needed to come and bring the teachings of union of polarities and contradicting the system at all times that is why he got killed… Yet the way of the divine Feminine,  understanding that you are also that divine masculine . that you have that power of standing up in that truth.. You are the divine feminine and the divine masculine


  "Can you recognize who is your enemy/ your stubbornness, lack of self esteem, taking it for granted, part of yourself that you think that doesn’t matter- you- that you don’t matter is your worse enemy .and the assistance you have is through that beautiful self that you really want to put it together and be grateful.”


“The mother is the one who takes you to the father, and that revelation is very important for the people. women have been taught that only the ways of a form are more important and that has been your enemy too because you don't understand that biggest teacher has been inside of you and it is her and recognizing this place inside of you is what will take you to the divine father.. you cannot jump the mother… you cannot avoid your inner world, ‘


God is not masculine nor feminine  is both happening at the same time, ..and all this is about love so is the father so is the mother but it is you through your alignment the one that takes you into that state. 


“nobody can take the destiny of anyone…I cannot make the work for anyone but it does accelerate the process, for you telling the story it does create an avenue for you to see you.”


"Making peace is really becoming yourself otherwise you will always have the victimization attitude”


“There is a thick layer of separation within the self that is creating war inside of the people. There is all these things interfering in your own peace…it like someone who you have been angry with for many years….no one has your peace…only you...”


"When you find a really old pattern, you tend to make justification…instead of just dropping the whole thing that doesn’t belong there anymore. “


"What is your reaction in those memories. what is real and what is not in those memories”


Where is the work ? 

There are many places where you left parts of you that you are not even aware…and those parts  they can use that energy to get to you. Clearing those parts and recognizing why are you there.. what is there that attracted you.. what was that intention.. places are like people, your frequency range and law of attraction, clearing that path consciously is important…what do you want…what is the intention about this.. you can see where your heart is and what is going on about d you understand that place you are…learning that path is clearing yourself first…


Question, how do we do that?  first step is accepting where you’ve been

a- remember the time of the possibilities, it is a possibility because you already live it, you want to have your path already clear, for that one you need to have your consciousness what do you want. where are you going. what is it ..who brought those sediments and resistances… what is the resistance…does it is coming from outside or inside what way you make an agreement…


why is it so important?

it is very important to realize where are you at all times and recognize your signature otherwise you’re gonna turn into something you are not.. there are many forces that they want to get that beautiful light that you have,.. they are being attracted through that light. but these forces are not precisely good energy.. why? because there are so many forces that wants to pull everyone into that patriarchal system again.. now.. you don’t want to get pulled about this, do want to clear yourself at all times so they cannot get into you…bringing all your you’s …all your energy into that place within yourself…you want to have a clear path and clear mind…and closing those doors that is opening those doors to those energies..  even when you are not aware…every single part of you that you left behind…even your clothes that you left behind… 


Every time doing a healing in a women has to do with removing men inside of her…calling their power back is way too important…when we call upon that power back something very powerful happens…it was something that wasn’t there anymore and then you begin to forget…when you call upon your power back and call your name…people cannot use my power without my permission.. If this cannot be returned let them turn into pieces  so they cannot use it. you need to bring your energy back, and you need to declare whoever is using it in a bad way, turn it into dust and they cannot use it anymore. that leaking of energy…are you thinking that you  need to give whatever it is because you’re not going to be loved? you need to find your hooks specific.  You want to hold on into that power and recognize how powerful you are…you cannot use something that doesn’t belong to you.. you need to be clear about it… 

another thing,  the dark feminine is an expert about this thing. that’s why it is important for you to hunt her down.


  You go and make all these spiritual exercises, that is why we close the door no psychic attacks in the land, because they are feeding form someone else’s work …its like you're going to work and everyone’s going to have a share.. and you need that power in order to get into a different realm. recognizing don’t touch what is not yours…your thing as a spiritual leader is you want to share and people have their own agendas and there is cultural beliefs.. that’s why we need to see beyond it…you share it with this group and everyone is very honored…we always said you share what you want to share.. its upto you, its your power , your medicine and it is upto you what is it..  no one can do your work… and everyone wants to have someone else’s work… as much more you make the work as much more you gain access to different kind of medicine and power…if you sit in your home and don’t want to change, perpetuate and repeat …but you have no way to put it on…the work you share it and does point it out.. but the people need to go there… it is important to recognize this is hers and this is mine.  The mother loves everyone in the same way. how we do as a human being as a spirit a you are.. you want to make your work and nobody can make the work for you.  


Why and how they can trace you and the big trail?

every part of you that you left behind, every situation, every karma, needs to be resolved.  all the karmas are coming together ..things and consequences are there.. so it is not about well,’m gonna pretend and forgive myself and everyone, but still that is the trail they can step on need to mend and bring that trail back to you. whatever it is in your life that you need to mend.. do you have any regrets ?? if your mind is taking you to places that’s your trail. they can catch you in that way. that is a for that you have it open because you have not been responsible for this. those parts of you, it is very important to cover your ass. you need to be sure that you want to do the right thing, put it together in the right way because it will come and get you. you put it in that closet and it’s going to  be full of ghosts from your past.. don’t save it for later.  see what in the world are you doing. that’s the part of cover your ass. and need to realize that it is a very powerful energy about it. if you are sloppy in your spiritual path, and then you’re not going to pay consequences because you’re pretending, just creating things in your mind instead of actually making the work. 

    If there is people involved in the regret, you do need to mend it with that person. and if that person is not in your life anymore, do it spiritually. you cannot just go in life breaking everyone around you and say i forgive myself. you need to put it together. no you still are responsible for that person. 

there is a lot of spirits that want you to do their work when they were alive.. but that is their path, and you can break that contract. you can take it to the council and say, i don’t need this contract anymore and this is why.  you can break it at anytime.  

you want to resolve all your debts. you want to clear up. and you want to do it as soon as possible. hurry and do that. 


    When you feel great, when you put the trash out, things come to you.  It’s a ceremony. you don’t want to have this kind of stuff. that goes in all the senses.. including spiritually talking. every single part what is important. you’re not getting out of this realm until you pay everything. and not just about money, spiritually, karmatically…people want to think i want to take the power away, a rush of energy… you don’t want to accept anything from anybody with strings attached…  how do you manage the power is how much you will respect everybody too.. its bad for you and your family.