The Journey of the Divine Feminine - Magdala
Is the time to tell the story, your story, my story, is the time to Remember
“ Yo soy tu,
La existencia plena y absoluta yo soy,
Yo soy mas alla de todo,
El amor Puro de todo lo que Es yo soy”
“In the Love that you are resides your liberation, my world contains everything”
The Journey of Magdala
As you know, there is no time, retrieving the steps of Magdala took us into a beautiful journey of the Divine Feminine within the self, Where is she? You ask constantly until you began to see the landmarks tapping into the ancient teachings in every step
Our journey was created long before we make it conscious, by the time that we get into the Old Land of the Gaul, as they told us in the Temazcal, and make it official we needed to go into realms beyond time and spaces, recognizing Magdala’s signature and wait into the revelation in every step,
… And the Journey took us into Saint Marie de la Mer, a beautiful little town by the beach in the Mediterranean, the place of Landing for Magdala and her sisters, where her new path begun, and for us, listening to the new poetry that was just unfolding.
Tapestry - Magdala arriving by boat
So here is a boat, completely guided by the spirit arriving into the Land of the Gaul, a Celtic Druid land, different culture, language, costumes, an immigrant, in exile, pregnant woman in an occupied land by the romans, caring with her a beautiful knowledge, a beautiful understanding of herself.
Sarah, the Black Madonna, Saint Marie de la mer
There is a church, where you find very old paintings and a crypt, where you encounter Sarah, the Black Madona, is a beautiful realm where the story resides, Sarah was in the same boat, an Egyptian woman that helped the community and stay there, while Magdala continued her journey east, west, and north with her sisters, teaching the people along the way.
Mother Water Ceremony, Saint Marie de la Mer
In this beautiful realm of Saint Marie de la Mer is where the message was given, in the middle of the Night, “The absolute liberty comes with Entrega, the woman aspect has the power of the entrega, In this land she became a mother, and became one with me, and the totality emerge into one. See everything through the eyes of Liberation, Magdala is not in the churches, she is not in the stories, she is not in the Trone, she is in the path, in every step, in the deepest of the internal liberty is her signature, the sacred woman is unfolding in every step”
The Liberty within the self, dropping what is doesn’t belong, the culture, the stories, the dogma, and dancing with her signature, her vibration lead us into an entrega, into the absolute love, in the purity of all that is, total acceptance of the whole, for the whole is in the one and the one is in the whole, the journey of the true human being, and seeing everything through that deep perception …
The journey took us into many realms, and many stories of a powerful women, and into look for Magdala behind every dogma, the religion, the stories, her teachings was about the world within yourself, a realm where you listen to the one that created you, a natural way that brings purity of the soul, from there, see the perception of an outside world. The Male and Female within yourself, “make the inside the same of the outside and the outside the same of the inside” , the Union of Polarities teachings, People in this realm embraced her teachings, and later on became the Cathars, The church saw them as an enemy for they didn’t have dogmas, and churches, and hold on into ancient writings of Magdala, the church killed 20 thousand people, that they were willing to die to preserve those teachings. Cathar means the Pure ones, they understood the liberty-entrega, the pure love that the true human being is.
Cathedral in Cathar Country (Beziers, France)
Her teachings were all around in Cathar country, it was beautiful to listen for it took us deep into the forest where we found the realm of the baptism that Magdala was doing, a realm where we made the ceremony with the holy waters.
Golden Magdala, Cathedral in Cathar Country (Beziers, France)
…And the journey continue into a beautiful mountain, there is no signs to get there, in a very dangerous roads, and through stories we got there… it is the place where the waters comes out from the womb, sounds familiar? A sacred cave on the top of the mountain, we thought, this cannot be it, is to high, how we will get there? And we took the first path that we saw, it was a heavy path, very steep, only for experts hikers, we did it anyway, and it was an enchanted path! And after many stops, feeling the incredible energy the understanding of why we took this path came into being…
Cathedral in Cathar Country (Beziers, France)
In a personal note, I thought so much about my girls, every time I needed to stop for my heart was ponding so hard, the Mother in me, and feeling the energy of this incredible realm, asking for give me the force to keep on walking, and why they took us there, I remembered the story of Joshua saying there are two paths, take the hard one, the narrow one… I understood why, I felt it wasn’t a choice but a strong call, and that strength give me the force until we got there! And drink from her holy waters, and all made sense! … she Ascended,!
Ascension statue where the waters come out from the womb, France
Cathar Country (Beziers, France)
Human beings are ascending, in the realm where the waters comes out from the womb!
…And the next journey took us North, and relearning how to drive in the other side of the road, the other direction, and we landed in Avebury, Glastonbury, the Tor and the Avalon realm! Again, where is Magdala ?
Rene le Chateua
Magdala means the Tower of Strength, and in every realm we saw her towers, this is a long story by herself, We saw a big of a tower chess piece in Renes le Chateau, funky realm, yet big teachings… Do you play chess? Chess is a very old spiritual teachings through the game and the Tower represent “the one that moves the Old”… I love chess…
Magdala, Chapel of Magdala in Glastonbury
Finding Magdala in Glastonbury was powerful, she was behind all these New agy thing, we found this woman in there, she have the same name of one of my daughters, I listen carefully what she needed to tell us, she told us beware of the con spiritual men, use your gut to uncover this realm, and after we sing for Tonanzin for guidance then we needed to find again the signature of Magdala,
The Tor, Glastonbury
The whole realm is about Magdala, she opened Avalon, a higher realm, a portal, and we follow her symbol, and drink from her two springs, the feminine and the masculine, the ones that comes from the same source, and we found her little chapel , with the small door, a realm of the holly Spirit, with the symbol all is one, I sat and listen… I am you
The Red Spring, Glastonbury
The White Spring, Glastonbury
…The Journey took us back into the center, the place where we started, Par-Isis_ meaning By Isis, nowadays call Paris! Where to find Magdala in this big 2000 years old city? So full of stories, so many wars and destruction in the middle, where is she? … and we did!
Love is always there, always guiding, always flowing, and Love took us in the Magdalene Church, This church looks like the Parthenon, and the entrance is in the North, in her structure she has 52 columns, and is 20 meters tall, sounds familiar? … and ancient code of the true human being.. is also in our calendar…
Magdalene Church, Paris
In the entrance we found the holy spirit, a beautiful realm of love… there is a beautiful sculpture of the Marriage of Joshua and Magdala, and a beautiful powerful sculpture about her Ascension, ! With the two guards, the posture of the feminine and the posture of the masculine, In here was the understanding of Existence… The whole realm is an exaltation of the Divine Feminine, the one who Enlights, a realm of enlightenment, hidden in plain sight, beyond the dogmas, beyond the buzzing city, beyond cultural beliefs, there, as it is!
Ascension statue, Magdalene Church, Paris
Obelisk in alignment with Magdalene Church, Paris
In front of the church is a very powerful Obelisk, was a gift from Egypt to France, and all is about the Divine Masculine…
The Obelisk is about the Ra, of the Sun God, the Divine Masculine exactly in front of the Church pf the Magdala, in perfect alignment, The Obelisk has the four directions and has all this Egyptian glyphs,
The North (the one that face Magdala’s temple) : “I give you the perfect Life, stability and happiness, ”
East “ I give you the perfect Life, stability and happiness, I give it perfect health”
West “I give you the perfect health, I give you the perfect joy”
South (water) I give you the perfect Joy”
Then in the Middle
Living forever
The invigorator,
Vivifying eternal like the sun
Eternal vivifier like the sun
Magdala means a woman from Magdala, also means, “the One that Evokes a Memory”
What is the memory that she is evoking…….?
“ Yo soy tu,
La existencia plena y absoluta yo soy,
Yo soy mas alla de todo,
El amor Puro de todo lo que Es you soy”
I am you
Louvre, Paris