How to Participate
Our School is Online, with people from everywhere in the world!
First option
Come to school: we have teachings every Sunday at 7.30 central time, besides working with the trecenas from our Aztec Calendar. You also have access to courses that require you to be registered in the school. Courses offered as part of the school:
Present past and Future(PPF), in here you learn remote viewing and much more…
Other courses offered as part of the school: Union of Polarities, Healing the Wounded Father and Mother, Sacred Sex, Sacred Dance, Using your medicine,True Human Being, Awakening DNA, Tree of Life,Your Vibration, Symbols
Trecenas: The calendar Azteca talks about a different energy every 13 days. The ancerstors were not measuring time, they were measuring consciousness. We work with the trecena of the Aztec-Maya ancestors as part of the online school.
Cost for school : $144/mo
To register for school, click here.
Second Option
You can take independent online courses, in here you will receive a digital teachings, in sessions, you may ask for questions through email. The cost is $100 per course ( 4 sessions).
Courses Available:
Crystal Skulls: In here you will learn your abilities and gifts
Union of Polarities:Balance of the Male and Female energies, the first door to enter into a higher realms
Cuecueyos : Cuecueyos is a very ancient Aztec teachings, Our ancestors knowledge about energy centers, and the journey of Love that you are in this time space..
Upcoming courses in these series:
*The 13th Mirror, Your hooks and programing that has been stopping you, and your liberation
*Wounded Father-Mother, is a healing course, a healing that needs to happened within yourself
*The Triad of the 13th Mirror, you must take first the 13th Mirror, everything is so connected, in here you will learn your triadas that hook you or liberate you…