Decoding those messages and trying to see them through your heart is your work as a human being.


     To heal the emotional body, feel the frequency that gets distorted in the linearity and bring it back. Feelings can be elevator—just don’t identify with it. Just don’t identify with time-space. Time is a spiral—important because you don’t want to repeat the same experiences. Evolution is truly within yourself and it’s not linked by time or the process but through acceptance to the feeling and experience but not identifying with it.


     A lot of the identity that you have about yourself creates a bonding. Observing it is like suddenly you cease to exist without that identification and you can shift your consciousness. What you think about yourself in those levels seems to pass. The emotional body is beautiful, but it is sometimes a tiny little door so you have to go through it and shift the consciousness again and again.

     Before you come into this realm, you have already taken the journey on this day. That path, you recognize it when you walk in that balance of your own male and female. The connection that you have with everything around is that part of the brain that is the perfect triangle. You are crystalizing your consciousness by giving truly that chance to your consciousness by taking the ascension that is coming for you. It is coming a time for human being to do what you want, the path that you came to do the purpose in life is amazing. The understanding and remembering of that path is coming from the essence, not the mind or even the woundedness from your own heart. It is coming from the very center of yourself in how you are connected with the multiverse. When you think in your past and create an attachment about what you’re going to need or do it immediately creates all kinds of distortion in your mind. You are the journey. The changes are so quick that is making people unbalanced at this time. Trust in your path and in your journey in who you are. The connection that you have with everyone around you. All this love. Is a blessing for each one of you because that blessing of your connection keeps you in your own purpose in your spirit path that no one can walk.