Your beautiful planet earth , helping you. You are a light body and you do have a physical body. I am telling you there will be a time when everyone will be able to use their light body. The remembrance is way too important right now.
There are many thoughts people are having that is seductive and bringing you down. They are wanting to engage you in a war that doesn’t belong to you. When we focus in that love, those forces cannot get you - the system is falling. Let it fall. We are entering into the Golden Era and it will not be dictated by scripts from the patriarchal system. Recognizing that original vibration that you are will make you comprehend that you are love. And you know what, love is the most incredible powerful energy in the universe. It’s what connects everything, it’s what integrates within yourself. When we connect and ask for that new vibration to come forward a whole new spectrum of reality is coming froward. By letting go of the fear, separation, guilt, shame, anger - those lower consciousness that keep on dragging you down, you will find out that compassion will come to you in a very natural way- like a revelation.
It is the time where you build the sisterhood even stronger. People helping people and everyone protecting the children. That incredible love and caring that you have, it comes directly form your original vibration and it is always in alignment with the Great Mother.
My sisters, daughters, mothers it is the time that we begin to understand that you are nature and in your nature you know how to do this. You know how to pass through the purification. Just like the little turtles that know how to get back to the ocean, So are you. Your spiritual work has to do with believing in yourself again. You are a perfect being. They make you believe that nobody is perfect. Every single one of you is unique and through that uniqueness you find yourself. Your path is unique. Through that uniqueness you can understand the world of oneness. You cannot understand the world of oneness though a mediocrity mind. You can do it through your original vibration. Don’t allow guilt, shame or even loneliness to get in the way- for I am telling you I am always with you. Trust. Trust that you will not sabotage yourself anymore…it is the time for a big awakening. When you ask for that open mind immediately you will find higher truths in your way of thinking.
Know that through that light body that you are…you can see the things that doesn’t belong, just drop them from you. Hold your vibration as you encounter the highest truth about yourself for the only one that you need to reach is yourself and it is through alignment with what you call the Great Mother. Recognize the Great Mother inside of you, for she is recognizing you as her daughter, as her son …all the way from the beginning…the incredible love that is in your heart will give you the strength and power to hold on into your new vibration.
The ascension is massively is happening but it still is a choice.. when you use that light body you will see that every single choice that you are making is for the highest good of everyone for you do recognize the world of oneness, you do understand that whatever is happening to one is happening to many. Know that you have all these helpers.. when you recognize those helpers and acknowledge them, things will be easier for you and your family. The greatest thing you can do for your family , your community, is embracing that original vibration….for you will become that bridge.. the golden bridge.
There are dark forces that don’t want ascension to happen but they can’t stop it….those dark forces attack by creating false identities that are holograms…and through those false identities you thought you couldn’t believe in yourself…now is the time to believe in you…just open your senses. When you are able to open your senses your whole mind is going to be rewired…and these forces have no access to your energy and have no access to your vibration….the bad dream of separation is over…you live in a world of light..all the light is interconnected and communicating. So are you. You are communicating with absolutely everything around you. It is the time to be aware. It’s about awareness. It’s not about the process anymore. Your mind wants to have that process to feel comfortable. When you feel the higher truths that are available for you, you will realize that it’s not about the limitations of the mind.
The mind is beautiful, it’s just that human beings have forgotten how to think. You are into purification times. As you call upon your light body that you are a true is going to be presented moving all darkness or we can say false identities that has been hidden for a long time. It is true too that in the moment that you are bringing that light, the darkness has no power over you, it ceases to exist. When you bring that body of light and you connect to your biological body, your body is being trained again to hold that higher vibration….every atom of your body is remembering how to understand, how to be that light, also in a physical body. In this time of the ascension you are taking your body with you. It might be that your body feels tired, that you are leaving behind some foods and craving others. It is different for each one of you. Embrace it for that body holds that nature too, for that body is being renovated and aligned with your light body. It is the time for you to trust yourself…for a while human beings have been betraying themselves. That’s why you keep in secret those things that were hurting you…it’s not about trusting others, it’s about trusting yourself. As you begin to trust you will see another kind of reality appearing right there in front of your eyes….you will see…and you will understand…who you are as a true human being.
Pray…pray often for yourself for that connection and alignment with the one that created you. Understand that voice which is inside of you, for that voice comes directly from the core of your being as it is coming directly from the core of this beautiful planet. You know how to do this and you do know that you have all the assistance. That world is at hand and it starts with you and me, and starts with the sisterhood for the women to begin to see each other as one. It becomes the whole incredible power that you have always had as a woman. It starts with that brotherhood….understand that very very first born, your divine feminine and divine masculine.
……Bring your flowers..bring your wisdom to all the people around you…do not be afraid for there is nothing to be afraid of…remember who you are.
The light body are a spirit that holds a body.
This part of who you are is being awakened as you begin to tap into your light body, as you begin to use your garment, as you begin to use your medicine and do what you have come here to do.
Monitoring your thoughts is way too important at this time because you are receiving all kinds of influences wherever you go. Be sure that those are your thoughts. Negative thoughts can be transmuted, by simply saying ‘I cancel that thought’.
The Great Mother is inside all of you, guiding you. She is a voice that is not a bully, a voice that is about the highest good of everyone. It is a voice not judgmental or telling you what to do. When you ask her, she put things in the table for you to decide what to do.
The only one that you need to reach is yourself.