Priestess! May 2018- May 4th to May 8th (check under events page)
Our Kiva!
Intensive Seminar of the Feminine Way
For long time the teachings of the feminine have been hidden, for the ancient temples were destroyedgiving birth to a patriarchal system …and the dark ages of separation took place in this planet…. Sorrow and despair was the way of the human being, for the enlightenmentwas broken….
In the verge of a new era, the emerging of the feminine hascome….and with her, the temple has been re-built, the sacred place where the teachings of the feminine are being re-born….
And the enlightenmentof the planet is eminent, for she is the Holy Spirit, she is the Virtual reality, she has come not to destroy the religions or traditions but to consummate them….
The temple has been re-built, she has 12 realms plus one, This is her code, she is bringing the teachings that were in many tribes all over the world, in Greece, Egypt, Maya, Machupichu, India, Africa, and many others….
Human beings have been living
inside of a hologram, a world of images,
in a dream world for long time.
It is time to wake up!
In this seminar we will encounter the world of mirrors within the self, an abstract world where human beings have access and enlighten their own consciousness.
We will be working from the other side of the mirror, the world of the feminine side of the brain where the healing, the wisdom and the connection with the multiverse takes place, a world where human beings remember that they have always been nature.
Welcome to the fifth dimension
In la’kesh
Join us foran intensive seminar, 5 days of teachings of the feminine….
We will work, with healings, awakening the power, sweat lodge using the sacred kiva, sacred math, sacred dance, ancient rituals of the feminine, …and many more teachings….
Where: at the temple where the waters comes out from the womb, in the Jasper of Ark…
There is places for camping at the land, oras well as hotels near by,
Registeras soon is possible, for it is limited space, send me an email to register to
The Temple 12+1
Beautiful Ones
I want to share with you what happened in the priestess hood awakening, It happens at the temple 12+1 in the fist awakening of the school of enlightenment of the feminine
Bringing back the teachings of the ancient school has been sopowerful and challenging, for we are again in the time where the cycles is being accomplish, one ending and another one beginning. The time has come to awake those teachings inside of the human being… and women, as it was in the ancient times are leading the way…
The Path
But we are not in the same conditions as it was before, in the ancient times women grow up knowing the way for the abuelas make sure to hold on into the teachings, teachings that pass on generation to generations for they teach the girls, and through their wombs, hidden in the mother, the teachings were able to be maintain and sustain, in order to be able to awakened now, when those teachings have became very powerful.
The ways of the feminine, is not given only for a tribe, for the feminine is able to bear this knowledge all over the world. We have come here not to destroy any religion or tradition, but to consummate them, for the feminine knowledge is not bounded into the male ways. For long time people have use tradition and religion to separate and create wars and create more separation of the separation, now, human being is able to understand that unity comes from within, through an integration of the self, for this is happening all over the world, the entering into the world of the enchanted flower is through embracing who you are….
So, what happened in the priestess hood awakening, in the remembering the ancient teachings of the feminine? Well, beautiful 12 women came into the land where the waters comes out from the womb, 5 days took us to enter into the world of the fifth, five intensive days that felt in some days slow as the intensity was happening…. For they have come with their stories, with their bondaries and perceptions, with their background hanging, big bag of things, but also the intent of awake a powerful being, thewoman-hood in the perfect expression, and they did, here is a picture of them…
the rainbow bridge
The path was tuff, it was hard to get there, there were sisters that opened the doors for the other sisters, and trust was everywhere… for the journey was long, it took around500 hundred for some or 1000, 2000years… for others…
But the temple was accomplish, and waiting for them…
As all the sisterhood became integrated, the work became much more intense, theplace of the mirrors began to make roots for the integration was taking place, by the second day at the temple…
Tree ceremonies in the kiva took place to complete, the rain began, and didn’t stop until was accomplish, but the sisterhood hold it together, and they learn to dance in the mudd, for they needed to learn the place where they were standing…. This is a pictue of the kiva ceremony…
Spirits were everywhere, for so mannnny women have been waiting for this moment, so we have a big big big crowd of spirits, as the ceremony got more and more powerful the spirits began to arraive to the land, My sister, my witness, took many pictures during that time, the temple of the union of polarities, the mama’s garden, all were full of beautiful spirits, (you can see them at the web site too) …
But anyway, as it was in my tribe, many of the teachings were done in the kitchen, there, where the tamales were done, and here is our kitchen
As the third day entered, the new shift came with it, for the sacred dance was awaken and the many faces were recognize…. Integration was taking place, was so needed for the entering into the fifth world, the world of the enchanted flower is through using the unique key, the perfect tunning, the perfect alienation of where the heart is, for divine order is everywhere….
The forth day, the awakening of sacred geometry, and the bridal chamber took place, frustration came into the sisterhood, and the embracing the frustriacion and confusion took place… All were prepare for our last kiva, the purification of the third masculinity, for now, was the time to jump, into the world of the enchanted flower, and the knowledge of the tree of life had been awaken, and the creation and recreation, alredy into that new world, the roots were planted in the new world, and the teachings, were done, in the temple 12+1, kiva, and of course, the kitchen… and the fulfillment, the accomplishment of the teachings, in the world of the enchanted flower… We overcome, everything that was stopping the women to get it, for in the world of the enchanted flower is the realm of the absence of fear, the total entrega was taking place, nothing could stop the warrioress, the holy ones, to enter, for they needed to became a bridge, a living bridge for the many, it was intense, and so powerful, the seed was place in this new world, and most of the women, were ready. The sky finally clear, and mama moon came to great us, joy and purity was the door keepers, and witnessing the mama giving birth to the new women, and taking care of the seed…
That night, was so sacred, for the calling back to the temple of the 12+1 was in silence, the whole place was into ascension, as the sacred dance was made with the moon…. I call upon my witness, for this needed to be shone to the world, people is ready, and do not need to wait for anybody, as people embrace their own ascencion, the new world is waiting in ceremony and celebration of life….
This are some pictures taken in the world of the enchanted flower….
We will have sooo many more pictures at the web site
In lakesh