When the women begin to work within themselves, they begin to acknowledge their powers- to heal, to nurture, to be psychic, she has the power to remember who she is and remember the whole story of this beautiful planet. It is your story, my story and the story of the women in the world. When you are ready to embrace our own power you are making the flip. Living in the flip is that blooming, being in that force of life within, from there you go and live. Use the flip. Your mind says you can’t do it and you go and say StopYou’re not going to tell me what to do or not…make the flip.


Where is that part of you that knows how to do the flip is in you. You don’t need a necessary technique. it’s in you. Not in the personality but completely in the essence.


     In front of your eyes there is another reality that is very powerful and beautiful. behind that truth that you see there are many layers of the same truth. For a long time, human beings have been programmed to see the reality limited through your own mind. The whole understanding of how the perception of reality works is inside of you where you move that consciousness that hooks you into one single reality and begin to see things as they are. Not about you. Begin to see things as they are. The connection you have with the whole creation is based on your own essence.


When those labels begin to drop you will see a new reality. Your own unique way to relate with time is very imperative.