How can we protect your loved ones?

There is this law, do not interfere. You want to hold on into that original vibration. When you have the guts to stand up and say it. When you see something that is not into the alignment with father-mother god. Stand up and say it because otherwise you are leaving behand a battle for your grandchildren. Right now, that karma that people have are coming right there in your face. This is the purification time. When you see what is  going on, bring that truth.  That truth in some way or another is the best thing you can do. When your parents were thinking- here you are and here is the job description that’s when you being to lose your tone. And you forgot your purpose. Your skills, the incredible skills that you have!


   Don’t interfere in some one else path, or choice unless they are asking for help,  sometimes people needs those experiences, you don’t want to bring karma for you, pray for divine order, Mama will know what is their path. 


  Be open hearted….use that empathy…don’t steal the pain of others…don’t hurt yourself with it…


Go inside of you….see why you are creating…bring the highest truth…..


Ask a question and immediately receive the answer…how much of the truth are you willing to put on?    You make the question, and  know what you thinking… and immediately…no process or thinking… write down question and answer yourself….you know already.